24 cups x Bauer Low Fat Yogurt 100g



Bauer Low fat yogurt 100g 共20柸, 味道如下: 6x香桃熱情果 Peach,passionfruit 6x士多啤梨 strawberry 6x紅桑莓 raspberry 6x車厘子 cherry 這是室溫低脫有果肉乳酪,不需冷凍,即開即食都可以,凍食更好味。 Bauer Fru Fru Yogurt (UHT) Yogurt is a light yogurt delight with its 0.1% fat The fruity, delicate yogurt fun convinces both large and small friends of yogurt. The fantastic taste of cherry brings a touch of class on your spoon. Ingredients: Yogurt fat 0.1%, Skim Milk, Sugar, Strawberry Direction: Enjoy with breakfast as a snack or for dessert. #德國直接入口 #Bauer #LowFatYogurt #AzureAsia
